New 3-Week Series beginning in May

Do you feel your potential glittering inside of you? Yet, instead of reaching your dreams, you often feel stuck, anxious, frustrated, or depleted and don’t know why?

This workshop will teach you Somatic Psychology skills to help you reclaim your joy and awaken to the brilliance of who you really are. Because, when we reach for the stars, we create a brighter world 😊

To register😊

For the registration link, please email me at

Or, if you’re new to my work, let’s schedule a FREE CHAT so we can get to know each other and you can get all your questions answered (I’ll add the new link and availability in late April).

This helps us create safety, and then we can dive right into the learning adventure!


The normal investment is $160 for all 3 classes.

However, because of all that is happening in the world right now, this will be a donation-based class. Just pay what truly feels right in your heart.

What is this workshop about?

Maybe you’ve always experienced anxiety? Or perhaps this is a new sensation you’re noticing with the last few years of the pandemic. Fortunately, there are some really positive and fulfilling ways to work with this emotion. You see…

  • The opposite of anxiety is JOY We’ll be playing with skills to increase ours, as well as learning about some magical keys to our nervous system

  • Anxiety is CREATIVITY in disguise – We’ll be exploring how to change pathways in our brains towards pleasure and flow, so that we can be more creative

  • Anxiety is the messenger DREAMS – We’ll be enjoying the sparkles and wisdom of our deepest desires so that we can plant some new dream seeds for spring and cultivate our wishes

Using the body as a guide, this workshop will support you with techniques to help you cultivate your joy, creativity, and dreams. And you’ll walk away with tools to help you feel happier, more grounded, and more powerful, so that you can use your life energy to create what you desire and also make a real difference in this world.

What is the workshop format?

Each Virtual Workshop will be 75-90 minutes (depending on the number of participants)

Each class will also offer informational content, as well as coaching, and gentle sharing and connecting with the other amazing women. 

As both I and most of my clients tend to be pretty sensitive, we’ll be on camera for part of our time together, but there will also be some lovely mindfulness off-camera to really support you to be YOU. And we’ll always end with a grounding practice so you’re set up for rest and relaxation as you go into your evening. 

What is the workshop outline?

Week 1 – JOY

  • Learn how your nervous system works, and why the sensations of joy are opposite to the sensations of anxiety

  • Develop skills to create more joy in your life


  • Continue working with the nervous system and the idea of creating a “growth body-set” (as opposed to a growth mindset)

  • Develop skills to change the pathways in your brain from a fear or anxiety response to a creativity or growth response

Week 3 – DREAMS

  • Understand how to translate the messages of fear and anxiety into the things that you actually deeply desire

  • Use guided imagery to connect to your genuine desires so you can continue growing your dreams with the potent energy of spring

Why is this an important time for this workshop?

  • Many of us have been experiencing increased fear and anxiety with the pandemic, which isn’t the best for our body and our nervous system.

  • Fortunately, when women shine our potentials onto the earth, we transform it. So, as spring comes and the light returns, this is a wonderful time to reclaim your JOY.

So grab your unicorn, or whatever you gotta do, and let’s go!

How should I register?

For the registration link, please email me at 😊

Or, if you’re new to my work, please schedule FREE CHAT we can get to know each other and you can get all your questions answered.

Who is this workshop for?

If you can feel your potential glittering inside of you but, instead of shining brightly, these challenging times have you feeling stuck, anxious, or depleted, this is for you!

This workshop is for anyone identifying as female, and is a safe space for all of our unique perspectives and journeys, and one where we believe that diversity is our greatest strength.

How should I prepare?

  • The workshop is between 75 – 90 minutes, and it’s a great idea to have a journal, comfy clothes, and your favorite way to hydrate.

  • If you’re sharing a space with other people (as many of us are during COVID-19!) I encourage you to use a headset to keep the intimacy of the group.

Thank you for your consideration and I’m excited to see you there! – Love, Anna

Who is facilitating this workshop?

Hi, I’m Anna. And as a Somatic Women’s Coach, I’m passionate about helping you find your joy, sparkle your gifts, and change the world.

My coaching style blends graduate-level somatic psychology with Feminine Power Transformational Coaching to help you discover your purpose and make an impact.

My specialty is working with Emotional Sensitivity. You might recognize this as having strong mood swings around your moon cycle, getting overwhelmed easily and not following through on important tasks, canceling commitments, getting your feelings hurt easily, having a hard time letting go and really having fun, feeling stuck or anxious, or not being able to move forward in your life. If this sounds familiar, this workshop will be extra awesome for you. You can find out more about Emotional Sensitivity HERE.

I believe that when diverse groups of women are creating the projects we were born to create, are in the places where decisions are being made, and have access to JOY and prosperity, we transform the world.

And let’s be real, most of us have either been working really hard, incredibly stressed, stuck inside, or all of those! If you feel like you’ve lost touch with your power with all that’s occurring, it’s time to reignite your hope so that, together, we can transform and uplift our world.

Find out more by emailing